about the painter and his art

“In his works, Bart Vinckier searches for the boundaries of individuality. He explores the influence of events and power stuctures on the (de)formation of the individual. He often finds a starting point in the moments where ‚big’ history crosses the lives of ordinary people.” (catalogue Canvascollectie, Lannoo, 2009) 
Bart Vinckier in studio 2023 © Cato Crevits

Eerie colours. Multiple layers. Remarkable brush strokes.

Wether one is confronted with the figurative older work or the abstract paintings from the more recent years, it’s not too hard to discover the characteristics that unite most of Bart Vinckier’s paintings. The use of tertiary colours evoke an eerie atmosphere. The working process which involves multiple sessions over longer periods leads to nearly tangible layers and often a crusty surface. The paint is applied on the canvas in brush strokes that vary from cautious whispers to firm statements. As a result, the paintings offer the spectator various possibilities to look at the works and discover new details over again.

un goût d’inachevé

On ne reste pas indifférent à ce genre artistique. Pour un public non préparé, cette peinture peut laisser comme un goût d’inachevé. Il faut prendre le temps de pénétrer dans l’oeuvre et y revenir plusieurs fois pour mieux apprécier ce qui n’apparaît pas au premier regard mais qui, d’une façon insidieuse, est quand même apparent à celui qui veut bien plonger dans l’imaginaire.

exhibitions and accomplishments

1998 Groepstentoonstelling vzw De Wekker, Kasteel Rodenbach, Roeselare
2002 Groepstentoonstelling Re:member, Museum Jan Cools,
2002 Prijs Emiel Duyvewaardt
2003 Selectie Prijs Alfons Blomme 
2003 Groepstentoonstelling Minute Soup, Galerij Ivy, Roeselare 
2004 Groepstentoonstelling Vacuüm, Galerij Ivy, Roeselare 
2005 Groepstentoonstelling Transfo, Galerij Ivy, Roeselare 
2005 Selectie Prijs Alfons Blomme 
2005 Fortis Bank Kortrijk 
2006 Oud-studenten, nieuw werk Galerij ‘t Punt – Academie Roeselare
2006 Groepstentoonstelling Diogenes vzw De Wekker, Museum Alfons Blomme Roeselare
2006 Charlotte Callebert, Lore Deroo, Bart Vinckier, BLOSO complex Bankenberge 
2007 Groepstentoonstelling vzw De Wekker, Staden 
2008 Selectie Canvascollectie + expo Canvascollectie Bozar, Brussel 
2008 Laureaat voorronde Roeselare Talenspalet
2008 Finaletentoonstelling Talenspalet Zwijgershoek, Sint-Niklaas
2008 Belgium Calling@Lineart – i.s.m. Le Coin Couleurs Gallery, IJzendijke – NL
2009 Groepstentoonstelling, CA4, cc De Spil, Roeselare 
2009 Laureaat Grote Prijs Alfons Blomme
2009 Groepstentoonstelling Arts Elingen
2009 Le Coin C Gallery @ Lineart
2010 Moments @ Le Coin C. Gallery (Ijzendijke – NL): eric vande Pitte, Kathleen Huys, Bart Vinckier
2010 Group show – Hotel Mondo, Ostend (B) – Wim Carrein, Jan Dhondt, Isidoor Goddeeris, Lies Vanloocke, Bart Vinckier
2010 Groepstentoonstelling vzw De Wekker, Museum Alfons Blomme Roeselare
2012 Derde laureaat Maurits Naessensprijs
2012 cc De Muze van Meise
2012 Groepstentoonstelling 125 SASK Roeselare
2013 Verne / Kermisstraat 20 gallery, Roeselare
2014 EXPO-LITIE, group exhibition, Bruges
2016 Selectie Kunstsalon Sant + expo Garemynzaal Brugge
2017 Group show Angels & Insects: Inge Deketelaere, Greet Desal, Els Lesage – Campo Santo Gent
2018 Group show Kleur(loos) De Tank 
2018 Open Ateliers De Tank
2019 Open Ateliers – Brugge Galerie Weekend
2019 Wawwa Oil – 15 contemporary oil painters / Curated by Peter Lagast

2022 Eden Kunstenfestival Roeselare

2022 Sant Brugge
2022 Brush – De Tank Brugge: Mathias Berner, Louie Mauws, Chris Meulemans, Janine Vandebosch, Bart Vinckier

2023 Homo Ludens – Site25  Ruddervoorde: Sara Plantefève-Castryck, Bart Vinckier